Step-by-step guide on how to send correspondences to students and their contacts as a teacher.
How to add an assignment.
As assignments are graded, you can enter grades for each student and assignment in the gradebook. Grades can be entered individually, or you can choose to use the quick entry method to enter multiple grades for an assignment or for a student.
As a teacher, you will need to complete several different processes related to grading. This document will provide an overview of the considerations and steps you will need to complete throughout your term for grading when you use scores-based grading. Additional documents are available with more detail about these processes as well as about the processes related to standards-based grading.
As a teacher, you will need to complete several different processes related to grading. This document is focused on the options and tasks used for standards-based grading in Educate.
There are three different methods to create extra credit assignments in Educate Classroom. You can pick whichever way is most convenient for you, although we recommend that you use the same method throughout a section.
How to view a student's finalized grades.
Overview on how to use the Educate and Google Classroom integration with existing Google Classroom courses
This article will guide you through use of the Educate Classroom module, for teachers.
Adding a Lesson Plan to your own Section
How to add a standard.
All roles guide