Educate allows you to record lesson plans for your school. Based on permissions, theses lesson plans will be available for teachers using Educate classroom as well as for reference to any administrator who wants to view lesson plans from Educate School. Any lesson plan can contain objectives and content, documents, associated standards and links to lesson plans that are related.

Before getting started using the Lesson Plan Feature, it is recommended that your school;

 1. Review the permissions available to each group for creating, editing and viewing lesson plans.

 2. Ensure that you have set up all standards that should be associated with the lesson.

Each lesson plan record has several sections with specific information. Understanding these sections can help you make sure that information is stored clearly and consistently in the correct places.

Creating A Lesson Plan

1. Sign into Educate.

2. Under the Classroom module, click into the Instruction tab on the left hand menu.

3. In the upper right hand corner, click on Add Lesson Plan. A pop- up page will appear. Here you will enter the details for the lesson plan.

4. Once a Lesson plan had been created, when you click into it, the details page will pop. Here it will out the overview of the plan and where changes can be made.

5. The Documents page will show any uploaded documents to the related to the lesson plan and will allow you to add other documents if needed.

6. The Standards page will display a list of standards this lesson plan should address as well as allowing you to adjust which standards are associated with this plan. 

7. The Related Plans page displays a list of any lesson plans that have been marked as related to this lesson plan and also allows you to associate additional lesson plans with this one.

8. The Sections Page list all sections that have this lesson plan associated with them. It also allows you to add additional sections or remove ones that are not needed.



 For Questions or Concerns, Please contact Educate.