The integration between Educate and eduCLIMBER is a helpful tool that keeps demographic information up-to-date to link with the programs you use on a day-to-day basis.


If you have not set up eduCLIMBER yet, view this article for assistance!


Prep for the Integration:

1. The first step is making sure that your school has been named correctly in Educate! To look for this you will go to the School module >> Setup tab >> Setup (on left hand side) >> General >> School Contact Info. If the school name need adjustment, reach out to support so that it can be addressed!

2. After ensuring that the school name is accurate, the following information should be setup for your school/school year:

  • All students have been synced from TADS
  • Sections are built and have staff assigned
  • Students have been enrolled in course sections and homerooms

3. The final step in setup for the integration is to make sure you have access to "SFTP Integration" tool in the School Module >> Setup tab >> Setup (on left hand side) >> Data >> SFTP Integration. If you do not see this menu, reach out to Support and that it can be added for you!

4. Once all of the information has been set for the school year, you can start the integration!


Setup for the Integration:

After the steps listed above have been completed, you can now set up the integration! 

1. Create or Sign-in to your eduCLIMBER account.

2. Go to the Sync page.

3. Search for Educate in the SIS drop-down menu. You will be given a eduCLIMBER generated SFTP username and password.

4. In Educate, add eduCLIMBER generated username and password here: 

*This is not your personal eduCLIMBER username/password.

5. Hit Save Credentials.

6. Under eduCLIMBER Settings, choose the following for your school:

  • Select your school year
  • Select all grades that you would like synced

Hit Save Settings

*If no grades are specified, all grade levels will sync to eduCLIMBER.

7. Under Export Data For eduCLIMBER there are 2 file types: 

  • Roster
  • Attendance

By clicking the "i" icon followed by unchecking the boxes against each of the optional fields, You can exclude the field(s) from export.


- There are two export options:

  • Send to eduCLIMBER- to manually send the information to eduCLIMBER
  • Download - to review the information sent to eduCLIMBER

8. After selecting the exporting data option, click Create Export.

9. The integration is complete!

Questions or Concerns?

Check here for detail information on Data mapping between the two applications.

Please reach out to Educate Support with any questions or concerns you have at