Roster csv.

EduClimber Educate Notes
School Year School Year  
Student ID Student GUID  
Student Local ID Student Number  
Student First Name Student First Name  
Student Middle Name / Initial Student Middle Name / Initial  
Student Last Name Student Last Name  
Date of Birth Date of Birth  
Student Gender Student Gender  
Student Ethnicity Student Ethnicity  
Student Disability Special Needs Type Allows multiple, comma separated
Meal Status POS Discount Programs Code that specifies free, reduced, or paid/full price etc.
Enrollment Start Date Enrollment Start Date or the school year start Date  
Enrollment End Date Enrollment End Date or the school year end Date  
Grade Grade Level  
School Name School Name  
Course Name Course Name  
Course ID Course GUID  
Course_Term Grading period of the Course  
Course Section Section Name/Number/ID  
Course Period Actual period (schedule) id/number  
Course Start Date Grading period StartDate of the Course  
Course End Date Grading period EndDate of the Course  
Course Leave Date Student drop date When the student dropped from the course section or Null/Blanck
Teacher First Name Teacher First Name  
Teacher Last Name Teacher Last Name  
Teacher Email Teacher School Email  
Teacher ID Teacher GUID  
ELL Status Y/N N, if the 'student language' is "English". Other Language is a Y
ELP Level Null No data point for English Language Proficiency Level


Attendance csv.

EduClimber Educate Notes
School Year School Year  
Student ID Student GUID  
Student Local ID Student Number  
Student First Name Student First Name  
Student Last Name Student Last Name  
School Name School Name  
Attendance Date Attendance Date Negative attendance date
Term Grading period  
Attendance Code Attendance Code Only negative attendance code like absence, tardy etc.
Absent Days Equivalent Absent Days Equivalent Value between 0 and 1 detailing the SIS calculated rate for the daily absence. decimal(3,2)