Roster csv.
EduClimber | Educate | Notes |
School Year | School Year | |
Student ID | Student GUID | |
Student Local ID | Student Number | |
Student First Name | Student First Name | |
Student Middle Name / Initial | Student Middle Name / Initial | |
Student Last Name | Student Last Name | |
Date of Birth | Date of Birth | |
Student Gender | Student Gender | |
Student Ethnicity | Student Ethnicity | |
Student Disability | Special Needs Type | Allows multiple, comma separated |
Meal Status | POS Discount Programs | Code that specifies free, reduced, or paid/full price etc. |
Enrollment Start Date | Enrollment Start Date or the school year start Date | |
Enrollment End Date | Enrollment End Date or the school year end Date | |
Grade | Grade Level | |
School Name | School Name | |
Course Name | Course Name | |
Course ID | Course GUID | |
Course_Term | Grading period of the Course | |
Course Section | Section Name/Number/ID | |
Course Period | Actual period (schedule) id/number | |
Course Start Date | Grading period StartDate of the Course | |
Course End Date | Grading period EndDate of the Course | |
Course Leave Date | Student drop date | When the student dropped from the course section or Null/Blanck |
Teacher First Name | Teacher First Name | |
Teacher Last Name | Teacher Last Name | |
Teacher Email | Teacher School Email | |
Teacher ID | Teacher GUID | |
ELL Status | Y/N | N, if the 'student language' is "English". Other Language is a Y |
ELP Level | Null | No data point for English Language Proficiency Level |
Attendance csv.
EduClimber | Educate | Notes |
School Year | School Year | |
Student ID | Student GUID | |
Student Local ID | Student Number | |
Student First Name | Student First Name | |
Student Last Name | Student Last Name | |
School Name | School Name | |
Attendance Date | Attendance Date | Negative attendance date |
Term | Grading period | |
Attendance Code | Attendance Code | Only negative attendance code like absence, tardy etc. |
Absent Days Equivalent | Absent Days Equivalent | Value between 0 and 1 detailing the SIS calculated rate for the daily absence. decimal(3,2) |