Gradebook Code improvements for Standard Based Grading

Good news! Teachers/Admin, you can now use a gradebook code on assignment level and system will auto apply it to all the standards that are part of the specific assignment.

  • Teacher can enter gradebook codes in the first column of an assignment as marked below and that will be auto applied to all the standards within the assignment. Earlier, teacher had to enter it individually against each standards of the assignment.

  • The arrow on the left shows (above image) that standard based grading is enabled in this course section.
  • You can also remove the gradebook code from the first column, and it will auto remove from all the standards within the assignment.
  • Standard based grading allow gradebook codes that do not impact the "overall" grade; as overall grade isn't recommended with the concept of standard based grading. Hence, Educate allows the following gradebook code types to be used in a standard based assignment: No Calculation, No Score and Code only. We recommend setting this accurately from setup > Gradebook Codes.

  • If you try to use the gradebook code on assignment that has data/scores then our application will remind you with a modal window, below is the sample.


  • If your school follow a hybrid model of scoring; and hence, you enable both score and standard based grading in an assignment, then, you will notice * as a suffix to the assignment name and a helptext as " * means this is both, a score and standard based assignment".
  • The same gradebook code shows in the parent interface (household module) under Academics > Assignment > Code column of an assignment as well as standard scores column underneath.



Remember user preferred record count

As brought to our attention by many of you, we are all set to remember your preferred record count in the following modules.

  • Classroom Module - So teachers can set their preferred record count in a page and the same will load in rest of the pages within classroom module. Our application will also remember this preferred record count and use it to load the next time. This is customizable for each individual teacher.


  • Result and Communication Modules - Admin can set their preferred record count in a page and the same will load in rest of the pages. Our application will also remember this preferred record count and use it to load the next time. This is customizable for each individual admins.



Assignment Status and filter under student profile

Assignment status and corresponding filter is added in the individual student profile page > Assignment menu. This aligns to the statuses displayed in the Household portal which is visible to parents/guardians. 

There are four options that you can select from the filter:

  • All Assignments = It will show all the assignments irrespective of their statuses.
  • Assigned = Teacher has assigned it to students and the due is yet to expire

  • Graded = Teacher has graded the assignment

  • Ungraded = Teacher has not graded the assignment and the due date has expired

When you hover your mouse on the status, it will show the help text that signifies each status.



Maintenance and Bug Fixes

  • Assignment status - We have added additional logic to recognize and flag the assignment as "Graded" if even a single standard within the assignment is graded. Please click here to understand each assignment status.
  • In the classroom module, we have applied a fix so teacher cannot unselect a parent standard as long as a child standard is still part of the specific assignment. This is to avoid child standards from being orphaned and impact the standard grading calculation. 
  • We have also added validation message while editing an existing assignment to the teacher view (classroom module) so that teacher are reminded of the affect in the student grades. This validation message already exist in the admin view.
  • As suggested by many of you, School Level is updated to "School Level Assigned" in the staff profile > Employment Information.
  • Attendance report by Type - is fixed so your criteria stays/do not reset as you run the report. We have also fixed attendance date to render in mm/dd/yyyy format. Note: Please keep your device language and region as "English - US" and "USA" respectively to keep the date format as mm/dd/yyyy in the excel download.
  • In the result module, we fixed a bug that accepted release date to be null if tried multiple times within a minute. This was resulting to a hard error.