Granting parent/guardian access to Educate:

  1. In the School Module select the Households tab.
  2. Click on Security in the gutter menu.
  3. In the drop-down menu that says "Contacts with Access" change to "Contacts with No Access"
  4. Hit Go.
  5. Select users to grant access by checking the box next to their name(s).
  6. Within the Bulk Actions menu, select Set Contact Access.
  7. In the "What would you like to do?" section, select Grant Access. 


  8. From the Security Group drop-down menu, select the security group to which these contacts should be added.*If one does not exist, please reach out to Educate Support to create a security group for you.

  9. In the Notify User section, select whether a message should be sent to these users to inform them of their username and password. 

  10. Click Continue. 

  11. A confirmation dialog box appears. Click OK. 

  12. If you selected to notify users, the Notify User page appears.

  13. In the Reply To dropdown, select the email address from which this message should come.
  14. In the Subject text box, make any changes to the subject line of the message.
  15. In the Message text box, make any changes to the auto-generated message. 
  16. When finished, click Send. Emails with login information will be sent to the users. Any users who do not have an email address on file will be listed.