When syncing data between TADS Enrollment and Educate, please note the following:

  • Synced Fields: Below is a list of fields that sync between TADS Enrollment and Educate. If any of these fields are not set up on the enrollment form for your school, they will not sync.
  • One-Way Sync: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) sync from TADS to Educate but do not sync back to TADS if modified in Educate.
  • Grade Level and Status: Changes in Grade Level and Status in TADS will not update Educate after the initial sync.
  • Supplemental Fields: Not all Supplemental fields in TADS Enrollment will sync to Educate.
  • Health Information: TADS Health Information fields that sync to Educate cannot be updated in Educate and must be updated in TADS.

Important Notes:

  • Data Entry: All student, contact, and household information should be created in TADS.
  • Syncing Process: Regardless of who makes changes—family members, administrators, teachers, or students—the information will sync accordingly.


Notes: The address will only be sent if the address type is "Home".

  • Household Name
  • Street 1
  • City
  • State
  • Postal Code
  • Country
  • Primary Email Address (Primary Contact Email For Household)
  • Home Phone Number (Primary Contact Phone For Household)


  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Last Name
  • Gender
  • Birth Date
  • Street 1
  • City
  • State
  • Postal Code
  • Country
  • Home Phone Number (can have more than one in TADS but only the primary or first one will sync to Educate)
  • Work Phone Number (can have more than one in TADS but only the primary or first one will sync to Educate)
  • Cell Phone Number (can have more than one in TADS but only the primary or first one will sync to Educate)
  • Preferred Phone Number
  • Personal Email Address (can have more than one in TADS but only the primary or first one will sync to Educate)
  • Work Email Address (can have more than one in TADS but only the primary or first one will sync to Educate)
  • Preferred Email Address

Contact and Student Relationship:

  • Relationship
  • Contact Priority order
  • Emergency Contact *
  • Custody *


  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Last Name
  • Suffix
  • Preferred Name
  • Birth Place
  • Birth Date
  • Gender
  • Enrollment Status *
  • Enrollment Record (Grade enrolled in for school year) *
  • Sacrament Details (Baptism received and Baptism Date) *

Student Health Information:

  • Medical Conditions *
  • Allergies *
  • Medications *
  • Medical Release *
  • Acetaminophen *
  • Ibuprofen *
  • Benadryl *
  • Homeopathic Remedies *
  • Soap And Water ONLY *