You can create a batch of pledge reminders for pledges that are overdue. You have the opportunity to search for specific pledges that you can generate reminders for and then can print the letters to send.
- In TADS Educate Donor Management, select the Communications tab.
- Under the Communications tab, select the Pledge Reminders link.
The Pledge Reminders page appears. - Click Add a Batch.
The Pledge Reminders page refreshes, displaying the Setup Properties step of the power tool. - In the Name text box, type a name that will help you identify this batch of reminders.
- From the Default Template drop-down menu, select the template that will be used for all pledge reminders that were not set up initially with a different template.
HINT: If you created a pledge and indicated a template for reminders, that template will be used instead for that individual pledge.
- From the Default Method drop-down menu, select the way that all reminders in this batch should be sent if they were not set up initially with a method.
HINT: If you created a pledge and indicated a method for reminders, that method will be used instead for that specific pledge.
- Click Save.
The Select Pledges step appears. - Click Add Pledges.
The Search for pledges page appears. - Using the provided fields, enter any information to search for the pledges you would like to generate reminders for.
If you select Yes for the Send Reminder section, you will be searching for pledges that were set up with the flag for sending reminders set to Yes.
If you select Yes for the Pledges with Reminders option, you will see results for pledges that have already had reminders generated. If you select No, you will only see pledges that have no yet had a reminder generated. - Click Search.
A list of pledges matching your criteria appears. - To generate a reminder for any of these pledges, select the checkbox for the pledge.
- Click Add Selected.
A list of pledge reminders that will be generated appears. - Repeat steps 9–12 until all desired pledges are added.
- When all pledges that should have reminders generated are added, click Continue.
A preview of the first pledge reminder appears. - OPTIONAL: To edit an individual pledge letter,
- From the Pledges section on the right, select the letter you want to update.
- Click the Customize button.
The Message page appears and the message is editable. - Make any desired changes to this pledge reminder.
- When finished, click Save.
- In the Pledges section on the right, select the button for each pledge to view the previewed message.
- Repeat steps 15–16 until you have preview and made any desired changes to each pledge reminder.
- When finished, click Generate Batch.
The View and Print step appears.NOTE: Depending on the number of pledge reminders you chose to generate, it may take several minutes for the system to generate the reminders. You can work elsewhere in TADS Educate during this process and come back later if needed.
- To view either email or letter reminders, from the Method drop down menu on the right, select the type of reminders you would like to work with.
- Click Go.
Reminders of the desired type appear. - To print all reminders of a specific method, click the Print Batch button.
A new window appears with the reminders in an easily printable format. - Use the controls in your browser to print the reminders.
- To print only selected reminders,
- Select the checkbox(es) for the desired reminders.
- Click the Print Selected button.
A new window appears with the reminders in an easily printable format. - Use the controls in your browser to print the reminders.
- To generate a PDF file formatted for printing labels,
- Select the checkbox(es) for each reminder you want to create a label for.
- Click Print Mailing Labels.
A PDF file that is formatted for printing labels opens in a new window or tab with information for each selected reminder.
- To create a CSV file with the information for mailing labels,
- Select the checkbox(es) for each reminder you want to create a label for.
- Click Export Mailing Labels.
A CSV file is generated with the appropriate information for creating labels. - Use the tools from your browser to save or open the file, as appropriate.