
StaffTrac Educate Notes
student_id Student GUID  
student_number ADNY student id  
last_name last_name  
first_name first_name  
middle_name middle_name  
name_suffix name_suffix  
school_code School GUID  
district_school_code School Code  
grade Clever Grade level  
homeroom Section GUID  
date_of_birth date_of_birth  
gender gender  
race race  
Hispanic_flag Hispanic_flag  
counselor_id Null  
counselor_name Null  
year_entered_grade_9 Null  
special_ed_status Yes/No Based on 'Special needs plan'
504_status Student Assistance Plan Special need type - Student Assistance Plan
ELL_status Yes/No Y, if the 'student language' is not "English". Otherwise N
poverty_status Null  
disability_code rest of Special needs type, except Student Assistance Plan rest of Special needs type, except Student Assistance Plan
student_language student_language  
mailing_address Null  
mailing_city Null  
mailing_state Null  
mailing_zip Null  
Physical_address Physical_address Street 1 and Street 2  
Physical_city Physical_city  
Physical_state Physical_state  
Physical_zip Physical_zip  
username Student School email address  
password Null  



StaffTrac Educate
unique_id Staff GUID
state_id Null
email_address Staff school email address
first_name first_name
last_name last_name
school_code School GUID
district_school_code School Code
gender gender
date_of_birth date_of_birth
hire_date hire_date
active_flag Staff Status (Sending only Active)
local_id ADNY employee id
tenure_date tenure_date
Tenured Yes/No
Role Employee Title
position_type Employee Type
departments departments
tenure_area_1 Null
tenure_area_1_date Null
tenure_area_2 Null
tenure_area_2_date Null



StaffTrac Educate
student_id Student GUID
guardian_number ADNY contact ID
guardian_last_name guardian_last_name
guardian_first_name guardian_first_name
guardian_email_address Contact School email address
guardian_home_phone guardian_home_phone
guardian_work_phone guardian_work_phone
guardian_cell_phone guardian_cell_phone
mailing_address Physical address street 1 and street 2
mailing_city Physical city
mailing_state Physical state
mailing_zip Physical zip




StaffTrac Educate Notes
student_id Student GUID  
student_number ADNY student id  
section_identifier Section GUID  
section_number Section Name  
start_date Grading period start date  
end_date Grading period end date  
student_start_date Student Start Date. If this is null then we send Grading period start date  
student_drop_date Student Drop Date. If this is null then we send Null  
course_code Course GUID  
course_number course_number Data may not be unique always and that is fine by StaffTrac
course_name Course Name  
state_course_code Null  
subject_area Department  
teacher_id Staff GUID  
teacher_last_name teacher_last_name  
teacher_first_name teacher_first_name  
teacher_section_start_date School year start date Hire date, if empty then school year start date
teacher_section_end_date School year end date  
co_teacher_sis_unique_id Staff GUID  
co_teacher_last_name co_teacher_last_name  
co_teacher_first_name co_teacher_first_name  
co_teacher_section_start_date School year start date  
co_teacher_section_end_date School year end date  
section_absences section_absences  
section_tardies section_tardies