Adding the Household
A household profile is a way to link together family information, making it easy to find information about students, parents, or other contacts associated with a specific family living at the same address. This allows students to be grouped into one household, such as siblings who go to the same school. Household profiles will allow you to easily control contact information for students within the same household, set up different types of contacts for students (e.g., billing, primary), and view information that pertains to all students in a household in one central location.
You will need to add a household profile before you can associate it with students and/or contacts.
- From Educate School, click the Households tab.
- Click the Add a Household button.
- The Add Household page appears.
- The Add Household page appears.
- In the Name text box, type the household’s name.
- In the Mailing Title and Letter Salutation text boxes, type the appropriate information for mailings and correspondence.
- Use the text boxes to enter the mailing address for the household.
- In the Share Address, Share Email Address, and Share Phone sections, select whether this household’s address and phone number will be shared in the school directory.
- NOTE: If your school uses the Household module and has the directory enabled.
- In the Primary Email and Secondary Email text boxes, type the email addresses for this household.
- HINT: Once you enter contacts for the household, you can enter additional email addresses for each contact. These fields should contain the primary email addresses of the household.
- In the Home Phone Number, Work Phone Number, Work Extension, and Cell Phone Number text box(es) record all known phone numbers for this household.
- HINT: Once you enter contacts for the household, you can enter additional phone numbers for each contact. These fields should contain the primary phone numbers for the household.
- Click "Save and Add a Student" or "Save and Add a Contact."
Adding a new student.
- Once you have clicked "Save and Add a Student."
- Click "Add a New Student"
- In the Demographics section, in the Student ID text box, type this student’s student ID number. OR If your school has a format set up for automatic student ID generation, click the Generate ID link.
- In the Demographics section, type all known demographic information about this student.
- HINT: All fields that have a red asterisk beside them (*) are required fields. You will not be able to save this student’s profile unless you fill these fields out.
- In the Contact Information section, enter all information about this student’s contact information.
- In the School Information section, enter all known information about this student.
- To enroll this student,
- In the Enrollment section, ensure that Yes is selected.
- From the School Year drop-down menu, select the year that this student should be enrolled for.
- In the Start Date text box, type the date that this student will start at your school. OR To select the date from a calendar, click the Calendar icon and select the desired date.
- From the Grade drop-down menu, select the grade this student should be enrolled in.
- If appropriate, from the Class drop-down menu, select the class this student should be enrolled in.
- In the Other Information section, enter any information that your school wants to track in Educate.
- When finished, from the bottom of the page, click Save. The student profile has been added.
- Optional: You can add more Student(s) by clicking "Save and Add Another" or to add a contact click "Save and Add a Contact."
Adding an existing student.
- Once you have clicked "Save and Add a Student."
- The Search Students page will come up
- The Search Students page will come up
- Type in the student information and press search.
- After finding the student, click "Add to Household"
- A new model will come up.
- Click Save.
- Optional: Repeat steps 2-4 to add more existing contacts.
Adding a new contact.
- Once you have clicked "Save and Add a Contact."
- Click "Add a New Contact"
- In the Demographics section, type all known demographic information about this contact.
- HINT: All fields that have a red asterisk beside them (*) are required fields. You will not be able to save this student’s profile unless you fill these fields out.
- In the Contact Information section, enter all information about this contact's contact information.
- The Login Information can be left blank.
- In the Household Information.
- Check Primary Contact to yes if this contact is primarily located in this household.
- The other information is optional, enter any information that your school wants to track in Educate.
- When finished, from the bottom of the page, click Save. The contact profile has been added.
- Optional: You can add more Contact(s) by clicking "Save and Add Another" or to add a Student click "Save and Add a Student."
Adding an existing Contact.
- Once you have clicked "Save and Add a Contact."
- The Search Contacts page will come up
- The Search Contacts page will come up
- Type in the contact information and press search.
- After finding the contact, click "Add to Household"
- A new model will come up.
- Click Save.
- Optional: Repeat steps 2-4 to add more existing contacts.
Adding New Student(s)
Student profiles are managed in Educate School, where a school administrator can view all information about a student. Once you set up a basic student profile, you may want to edit the remaining sections of the profile to enter relevant information about the student; for example, emergency contacts, the student’s schedule, or any relevant health information. This document will explain how to add a basic student profile to Educate School.
- In Educate School, select the Students tab. The Students tab appears.
- If necessary, select the Directory link under the Students tab.
- Click Add a Student.
- The Student Demographics page appears.
- In the Household Information section, ensure that the Search option is selected.
- Enter search criteria to locate the household.
- Click Search Households. A list of households appears.
- Click the household to which you want to add this student. The household information is saved and associated with this student’s profile.
- In the Demographics section, in the Student ID text box, type this student’s student ID number. OR If your school has a format set up for automatic student ID generation, click the Generate ID link.
- In the Demographics section, type all known demographic information about this student.
- HINT: All fields that have a red asterisk beside them (*) are required fields. You will not be able to save this student’s profile unless you fill these fields out.
- In the Contact Information section, enter all information about this student’s contact information.
- In the School Information section, enter all known information about this student.
- To enroll this student,
- In the Enrollment section, ensure that Yes is selected.
- From the School Year drop-down menu, select the year that this student should be enrolled for.
- In the Start Date text box, type the date that this student will start at your school. OR To select the date from a calendar, click the Calendar icon and select the desired date.
- From the Grade drop-down menu, select the grade this student should be enrolled in.
- If appropriate, from the Class drop-down menu, select the class this student should be enrolled in.
- In the Other Information section, enter any information that your school wants to track in Educate.
- When finished, from the bottom of the page, click Save. The student profile has been added.
Adding New Contact(s)
After a student has been created and placed in a Household in Educate, the next step is to assign contacts to that student.
- From Educate School, select the Students tab.
- The Students tab appears.
- Click the hyperlinked name of the desired student.
- The student’s profile appears.
- From the right menu, click Add a Contact. OR From the left menu, click Contacts.
- The Contacts page appears
- Click Add a Contact.
- The Contacts page appears.
- To locate a contact who already has a profile in the system.
- Ensure that the Search tab is selected.
- In the provided fields, enter information to help you locate the profile for the desired person.
- Click Search. A list of all people matching your criteria appears.
- From the Relationship drop-down menu at the top of the page, select the way that this contact is related to the student.
- Select the checkbox for the contact.
- Click Save. The contact is associated with the selected student.
- Ensure that the Search tab is selected.
- To add a contact who does not yet have a profile in the system,
- Ensure that the New tab is Selected.
- In the Demographics section, type all known demographic information about this contact.
- HINT: All fields that have a red asterisk beside them (*) are required fields. You will not be able to save this student’s profile unless you fill these fields out.
- In the Contact Information section, enter all information about this contact's contact information.
- The other information is optional, enter any information that your school wants to track in Educate.
- When finished, from the bottom of the page, click Save. The contact profile has been added.
- Ensure that the New tab is Selected.
Questions or Concerns, please reach out to the Educate Support Team.