NOTE: If you are trying to add/change a grading scale after the school year starts, please reach out to educate support for assistance.

If you plan to update your grading scale for the new school year, you can do so after completing the rollover process.

Step 1: You will want to verify you have all of the symbols needed for your new scale. To do so, you will click into school>>setup>>instruction>>grading symbols.

Step 2: Click add a grading symbol in the upper right-hand corner. Enter the name, value, and standard type, and select if this will be a pass/fail, then save. (If you are adding multiple, you can select save and add another).

Step 3: Once you've added the desired symbols, you will then click grade scales (can be found under the same instruction drop-down menu.

Step 4: Click "Add a Grade Scale" in the upper right-hand corner. Enter the name of your new scale and specify if there will be a maximum score associated with it. If you wish to only use symbols, you can check the 'force letter grade' box. If un-checked, both symbols and scores can be used. 

Step 5: Under the 'scale' section, click Add a line. If at any you need to remove a line, click the red circle with the line running across it in the right-hand corner of the page.

NOTE: Make sure to complete all necessary fields for the scale before saving it.

Step 6: Enter the start score and end score, then choose the corresponding symbol from the drop-down menu.

NOTE: scores cannot start at 1 and end at 2. Decimal points need to be added to successfully create the scale (e.g. start score 1.99 and end score 2, 2.99-3, and so on)

Step 7: Once you've successfully added all the lines, hit save. 

Step 8: Now that you've added your scale, it needs to be mapped to the school year to be usable. To do so, you will click into the setup tab>>general>>school years>>click into the current school year>>scroll down to step 6 (map grade scales)>>edit at the right-hand corner>>select your new scale and save. You are now ready to make the updates within the course sections. 


  1.      For Questions or concerns, please reach out to