WE HEARD YOU! You have great suggestions and feedback for Educate improvements. We are opening these options to the Educate Community to review and be able to see all the user-initiated suggestions. Add your own and VOTE for the issues you care about!

FeatureUpvote is launched for Educate to collect your feature requests and product suggestions. FeatureUpvote allows you to vote on user-initiated product changes.


Select the Feature Upvote menu item under HELP.

You will see the Educate User Suggestion Board. A list of items that are suggestions will be displayed.

  • Admin and Teacher Educate users can select the icon within our solutions.
    • First, review the current feature requests and vote for your favorites. These are suggested by other Educate users.
    • Enter a new request for members to vote on. Users are allowed one vote per listed feature!



When selecting to ADD YOUR SUGGESTION, you will fill out the following fields:

Title: In summary, what is your request. Your request should be the OUTCOME you are looking for. "Perfect Attendance Report" or "Volunteer Tracking". All users will see this so make sure it is general enough to attract attention. 

  • Bad Example: "Volunteer things" 
    • This is not a good title as it is not specific enough and does not note your desired outcome.
  • Good Example: "We want to track volunteer hours."

Description: Let us know why this change would help, be important, and how it may benefit others! Are there state or federal programs or mandates that should be noted? 

Name and Email: Add your name and email address in the available fields as we may need to reach out to you for more information!