When to drop or remove student(s) from a course section:

If a student should no longer be in a course section, you have two options: to remove the student or drop the student. 

What is the difference?

- Un-enroll a student: removing a student will remove all academic and enrollment history for that course section (attendance, finalized grades, assignment grades).  At the end of the term, teachers will not have the option to finalize a grade for the student. The student will not be responsible for any upcoming or future assignments or attendance records, and academic information will not be shown on report cards, enrollment history, reporting, etc. 

- Drop a student: dropping a student will retain the academic and enrollment history for that course section (attendance, finalized grades, assignment grades). At the end of the term, teachers will have the option to finalize a grade for the student within the term they were dropped. The student will not be responsible for any upcoming or future assignments or attendance records, but the academic information will still be shown on report cards, enrollment history, reporting, etc. 


-Path: School>>students>>filter for desired student>>click into profile>>courses on your left hand menu>>highlight courses>>bulk actions>>Choose your option.



If a student is withdrawing from the school year mid-term, we recommend dropping the student to keep all records and grades intact for what the student completed. 


Questions or Concerns, please reach out to the Educate Support Team.