The event calendar is a place to put special events that happen during the school year, for example; Football Games, Parent-Teacher nights, and breaks during the year.


1. You will need a calendar that only has dates during the school year.

HINT: Events may be imported from an iCAL file OR a calendar URL. To obtain an iCAL file or link, refer to your email program's documentation. Importing the same calendar twice will duplicate the events, and is not recommended. Recurring events are not supported. Only the first occurrence will be imported.

2. Go to the Setup tab.

3. Click on 'School Years,' which is located under General.

4. Click on the school year you are importing.

5. Scroll down to step 8 and click on Import Events.

6. Choose the file or use the Calendar URL, then hit Save. 

7. If everything imported correctly you will see a banner at the top of your screen saying

"Imported *number of events* event(s)."