When a course section is built to be "Weighted by Category", admins must create assignment categories that add up to 100% in order for the gradebook to accurately calculate the correct grades. 


To set a course section to Weight by Category. 

  1. Within the School module, click on the Instructions tab.
  2. Click on the course that you are looking to add weights to.
  3. Click on the paper pencil icon next to the section.
  4. Click on Assignments on the left.
  5. Select the tab that says "Assignment Categories"
  6. In the section that says "Categories with weights that add up to 100%", add in the categories and the percentages
  7. Continue to repeat step 6 until you have all of the categories that you need. They should all total up to be 100%. Please be sure to not add your categories to the section that says "Categories with weights that do not add up to 100% (i.e. Extra Credit)"

Please note that weights will carry throughout the year and cannot be changed from term to term and that if assignments have been created already, you may not be able to make changes to the weights and categories.