1. To first create a tag go to the School module's Setup tab, there you will expand Demographics and click on Tags.
  2.  Then you will click on the Add a Category button.
  3. There you will select the Order the Category will be listed in. The name of the category (ex. Sports, Electives, etc.) and what entity it pertains to (Employees, Prospects, or Students.) Then Save.
  4. Then once the category is created. You can create the tags for the category.  Note: Deleting a tag will remove it from any student record it was added to. 
  5. Once the tags are created you can add or remove them from students by going to School>>Students tab>>selecting a student>>then bulk actions on the bottom left corner and selecting Add Tags to Students or Remove Tags from Students. A window will appear where you can select from the ones created.
  6. You can also view and edit a student's tags by going into their profile and clicking on Tags on the left menu.